Products catalog

EcoSoya® Melt

  • EcoSoya® Melt

    740  VAT incl.
    (740 /kg)

    100% soy wax granules, recommended for the production of wax cubes 

  • Benefits of soy wax:

    • Beautiful and even setting
    • Smooth, structural surface
    • Excellent odor distribution both when burning a candle and not
    • Easily removed from the mold
    • Ideal for the production of colored candles with BEKRO paint

    Melting point - +51°C.

    The recommended bottling temperature is 60°C

    Aromatic AURAE oils: 5-8%

    Essential oils: 6-10%

    Preparation recommendations: Heat the wax to 70°C using a wax melting pan, remove from the heat and allow the wax to cool. If you use aromatic or essential oils, add them just before bottling and stir for 2-3 minutes. Pour the wax into the heated molds when the wax reaches a pouring temperature of 60°C.